This e-Handbook for VET teachers on digitisation and virtualisation is divided into two parts: the first one, a training part on ICT, on emerging technologies, eminently practical, which will help teachers/trainers to know the existing and emerging digital and virtual tools, how to use them in Industry 4.0, to know examples of good practices,…

The second part of the Manual deals with the teaching methodology necessary to motivate the group of unemployed people over 45 years old, how to transmit to this group the importance of ICT 4.0 knowledge, providing -also- information about the needs of the group of unemployed people over 45 years old so that they can adapt the training contents to these needs.

Online versions

English version website

Mobile version epub

Greek version website

Mobile version epub

Italian version website

Mobile version epub

Portuguese version website

Mobile version epub

Spanish version website

Mobile version epub